Thursday, 14 June 2012

A Sugar Paste Lady

So this week's lesson was about making a little model of a woman.

In one of the lessons a couple of weeks back we used moulds to make the body, head and hands so the paste had plenty of time to dry.

Creepy, huh? I took this picture after painting one of the eyes.

Then we painted details on the face with colours. Mine ended up looking a little gothic. :-)

The legs were actually a cone with sugar paste draped around it for a skirt - the body, which was on a cocktail stick, was then pushed into this, and more paste rolled out made a top. Arms were stuck on with sugar paste that had been 'let down' (no, I didn't make it a promise I couldn't keep! It's a bit like making slurry out of clay, add water until it becomes like a glue) and hands pushed into the ends of the arms.

Finally, I had my first go at using a clay gun! It was awesome and now I want to buy one. If you ever loved making things in the Play-Doh Factory as a kid, you'll love one of these:

Picture from (I don't have a picture of one..)

The clay gun was for hair. Had a good tip from the tutor on this as well which seems obvious but I wouldn't have thought of it; don't just stick the hair to the top of the head, start from the bottom of the back and work your way up and around the sides. Gives a better finish. She was right as well.

I finished my lady off with a little hand bag made of modelling paste. Here she is:

OK, so I went a little heavy on the eye make-up. But have you any idea how fiddly it is? :-)

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