So I finished the wedding cake, after a week off work and several moments of panicky 'I can't do this!!'
The wedding is today so I won't be showing any pictures until later ;-) but I can tell you I made nearly 50 roses in the end! I ended up buying a 5 petal cutter to make the job slightly quicker, but it still takes time! The trouble is, I can't cut out all the petals at once as flower paste dries out so quickly, so it's a fiddly process of rolling out the paste mega thin (I bruised my hands doing that!), cutting petals, frilling them, wrapping them round the cone, then back to rolling out more paste. Sounds a quicker process than it actually is.
This was also my first experience of stacking cakes - as it was a 3 tiered job I had to put dowels in the bottom cake to support the two above it. As the middle tier was a dummy cake I didn't have to put dowels in that, apparently. If that had been fruit cake as well then I'd have had to use dowels in that one too.
The cake itself was Delia's own rich fruit cake recipe, found here.
After hours of watching YouTube tutorials on how to ice a cake, I managed to get the icing on all three without it ripping. I even managed to ice the bottom cake and board in one go! Yay me!
The bride's reaction was apparently good, although I didn't get to see it, but I'll see her later so I'll know then. :)
All in all, a bit of a confidence booster in the end.
More on this cake, including pictures, later this weekend.
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