Friday, 14 December 2012

The Latest Baking Practice

Just a few of the latest creations from my baking practice:

Chequerboard biscuits: These were fun to make but didn't taste very good. Might be because I ran out of plain flour and tried replacing it with the only vaguely suitable thing I could find - brown rice flour. Didn't work...

Jamaican ginger cake made with stem ginger. That's lemon icing drizzled over the top. Yes, I know what it looks like.

Well, you've got to make mince pies this time of year haven't you? Unfortunately I over filled them and they exploded. That stuff sets like concrete so I couldn't get them out of the tray! I made the shortcrust pastry myself though. 

I rather fancied some chocolate so I threw these together in a hurry ;) The cake is Rachel Allen's chocolate cupcake recipe and the icing is the Primrose Bakery's chocolate buttercream. I used Co-Op's Fairtrade Ghanaian 84% cocoa solids chocolate for the buttercream - it was lush!


  1. Mmmmmm!!! Those mince pies and cupcakes look lush. One is naked though..? X

  2. That one was for Arthur as he's not a big buttercream fan :) x

  3. Can I have a cupcake, please? ;)

  4. The frosting looks delicious on these!! Thanks for sharing your cake decorating adventures! :)
